Welcome To MTaI!

MTaI represents a wide spectrum of the medical device and equipment industry with global experience in innovation, education and a deep manufacturing footprint in India.

Hope for Quality Life!

While we represent the aspirations of the MedTech sector, we carry the promise
of a quality life.

Quality healthcare!

Our belief in quality healthcare runs deep. We strive to make MedTech
accessible & affordable.

About MTaI

MTaI is an association of research-based medical technology companies who have made remarkable investments by setting up large number of R&D centres and manufacturing plants in India. MTaI represents a wide spectrum of the medical device and equipment industry with global experience in innovation and manufacturing.

All the time stressing on the three hallmarks of healthcare – Quality, Consistency and Patient Safety, we want to be a responsible voice of the industry. We are committed to improving access to affordable and quality healthcare for patients… Read More

MTaI-PwC Whitepaper

Whitepaper on the impact of COVID-19 on the MedTech & Healthcare Industry in India
Click here for details.
Budget 2024-25 HEALTH: Cancer-hit to get duty-free drug balm

Budget 2024-25 HEALTH: Cancer-hit to get duty-free drug balm

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced the exemption of customs duty on three cancer medications, aimed at easing the financial burden on patients. The Finance Minister has additionally detailed changes in the Basic Customs Duty (BCD) on X-ray tubes and flat...

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Union Budget 2024-25

Union Budget 2024-25

Nirmala Sitharaman, Minister of Finance & Corporate Affairs, presented the Union Budget 2024-25 in the Parliament on July 23, 2024. In Priority3, the FM laid emphasis on the healthcare sector. "Ourgovernment is committed to all-round, all pervasive and all...

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